Houston Food Heroes: Plant It Forward

Plant It Forward Heroes in Houston Texas

Plant It Forward is a nonprofit organization that connects resettled refugees from agrarian backgrounds with urban farming business opportunities in Houston, Texas. 

Houston resettles more refugees than any other American city. Most refugees have spent years in refugee camps outside of their native countries living in extreme conditions while waiting to realize the American dream. Once here they face significant challenges assimilating into their new homeland as few have the language or job skills to find meaningful work. Some of these refugees come from agrarian backgrounds and know how to raise quality food, but there is not a single classified job posting for an experienced farmer.

To lend your support locally: join our Farm Share/CSA program!

To support our work from anywhere, you can make a donation online at www.plant-it-forward.org 

Plant It Forward Food Heroes in Houston Texas

Plant It Forward Master Farmers grow fresh produce 52-weeks-a-year in Houston, Texas for their customers - farm share subscribers, market shoppers, chefs and wholesale buyers. Farmers Henriette and Sarment manage a highly diversified farm to provide awesome variety to their customers. They grow vegetables Americans love as well as their own favorites from Congo-Brazzaville. 

Plant It Forward Food Heroes in Houston Texas

Plant It Forward exists to enable refugee farmers to continue their craft, pursue meaningful work, and make a living on the land in their new home city. Plant It Forward is currently training 20 prospective farmers in its 8-month training program.

Graduates will be eligible to be matched with urban or suburban agricultural land at no cost to begin their small businesses. Plant It Forward provides ongoing technical assistance, networking, and connection to markets to its Master Farmers.