Welcome to the Houston Kitchen Garden Club
The kitchen garden in Houston is non-stop and is really like no other.
But most gardeners can find it frustrating. The gardening seasons here are quite different than what the national news will tell you. And those tomatoes on sale at Home Depot in June? They’re never going to make it.
Oftentimes you may feel like you just can’t keep a plant alive here, but it’s usually not you that’s the problem.
It’s the timing and the setup.
With your free download, you’ll start to get a better understanding of the timing in the Houston garden. And over the next few days, we’ll give you some great tips on creating the best kitchen garden setup too.
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out some of our information-packed segments on Houston Life TV. You can find links to the shows here.
Our goal is to remove the guesswork from the Houston Kitchen Garden and our dream is to see a productive and beautiful kitchen garden in every Houston backyard. That includes yours!
So, check your email, grab your download and look for lots of great tips and tricks in the next few days to get you off to the very best start.
Thanks so much for bringing back the kitchen garden with us.