Tour a Four Garden Classic Kitchen Garden in Memorial area of Houston, TX

Memorial area homeowner, Amy, gifted these beautiful gardens to her husband. They had the ideal location, just outside their kitchen window, allowing the garden space to became an extension of their home.

Four Garden Classic Kitchen Garden Design

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The Four Garden Classic Garden works ideally if you have a square space that is 15’ x 15’ or larger.

This design provides ample growing space that provides flexibility, allowing you to separate vegetables and plant methodically.

In this design, we created four gardens each 4’ wide x 8’ long x 1.5’ tall for a total of 128 square feet of garden space.

Borders and Pathways

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Borders help to distinguish your garden space from the rest of the landscape and yard. When done correctly it will help prevent weeds from growing too.

Pathways allow for convenient movement inside the garden space. Allow for at least a 2’ pathway, and not larger than 4’.

Rooted Garden always uses gravel for their border and pathway garden installations . Gravel provides a clean aesthetic, and helps keeps garden pests and moisture away.

Automated Irrigation


Watering quickly becomes a chore in Houston during the hot time of year. However, is is necessary to keep the garden thriving.

All Rooted Garden turnkey installations include automated irrigation. We work with a licensed irrigationist who typically can bring the clients irrigation system into the garden, by adding a line and spray heads. Then the garden is set to be watered at an appropriate time for the season.

Kitchen Gardens Near the Kitchen


So, this seems obvious, right?

During our years of visiting clients during garden consultations we are often shown spaces behind their home, or in other out of the way places, for the placement of their new garden. The old saying, “out of sight out of mind” has never been truer.

When working with clients we look for garden spaces near their kitchen whenever possible, or at least another area that is frequently visited or seen.

Rooted Garden designs are productive and beautiful, making them the focal point of the landscape.

Learn more about designing and creating your own kitchen garden with Nicole’s just released book, The Kitchen Garden Revival.

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We are so very appreciate to our Rooted Garden clients who trust us to transform their spaces into something so special and meaningful.